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andy roo forrest

andy roo forrest is not the star of the show he is listed first to save me hours of website editing...Roo Forrest came of age in the suburban 1970s; the idealism of the 60s was fading but the drugs were getting more powerful and pervasive.  Everyone who could provide guidance was getting out of their marriage and into a jacuzzi. 
Roo turned out the lights and listened to Dylan, Tom Leherer, Sondheim, John Prine, Buffy Saint Marie. The Beatles, Mel Brooks, George Carlin, Johnny Cash, The Smothers Brother, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin and  anybody else who can  make  you laugh or cry.

about: the performers

David Schumer is a story teller whose tales start innocently enough...but don't let your guard down they usually end in a sucker punch. Being a trained MD he can reach your solar plexus from across the auditorium.

he is also a prolific songwriter whose personality is so toxic he can't keep his band together for more that a month. for this show he will be performing with his most compatible bandmate yet a tc helicon harmony pedal. Schumer says " sure rehearsals are quiet but i don't have to pay it and it doesn't try to change the song arrangements"

Terra Lea Dennis is a native of Colorado, hiker, writer, actor, teacher, breather determined to look at life from a different angle

terra lea dennis

Nathan Vass has had work displayed in over twenty photography shows, designed a book and three album covers, including two for Neil Welch. His “My Favorite Things” tour at Seattle Art Museum was the highest-attended such tour there. Nathan is also the director of eight films, four of which have shown at festivals, and one of which premiered at Henry Art Gallery. He owns a photography business, Two Photography, with Larry Huang, and has photographed a dozen-plus weddings. Born in South Central LA, he holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Washington, and is also a prolific writer and sometime painter. Formerly a Hollywood resident, he still contributes film reviews to Erik Samdahl's site, Filmjabber.

In addition, he holds a side job as a public bus driver, which he enjoys almost as much as directing films- if not slightly more so! He is a two-time winner of Metro’s Operator of the Month award and holds a record number of commendations. His blog,, which has been featured on Slog, the Stranger’s news and arts blog, KPLU, and The Seattle Times, details his adventures on the road.

Nathan Vass

Tracey Croisier

paul currington 

Tracey Croisier is a writer for a church, that's the day job. By night, she's an award-winning storyteller, writer and twin mom. She’s also a gluten free bacon-eating vegan, which is sort of like Jews for Jesus, only tastier.

A forty-year veteran of the folk wars, award-winning singer/songwriter Thaddeus Spae is an innovative, eclectic entertainer who mixes unreliable narratives with songs ranging from humorous and deftly satiric to inspirational, literate and allusive. He accompanies himself with precise exuberance on an improbable assortment of instruments.

Paul hosts Fresh Ground Stories, Seattle's longest running storytelling open mic.


david schumer

Thaddeus Spae

Chris Spengler

Chris an ever better story teller has told locally at fresh ground stories and on the radio at kplu's sound effects. Her story about unrequited love for this show is wonderful

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