wordsnmusic 5
the "gotcha show" stories with surprise endings
remember your textbooks from 7th grade english; the poem by robert frost and having to explain to your classmates why taking the road less traveled made all the difference; the excerpt from thoreau's journal like your really cared what he spent every month on kerosene; but then there was the story by O-henry or by Saki. So delightful. So unpredictable. Great endings. Thats what I have for you in this show. 5 stories with surprise endings all well told by our tellers.
I have been searching up and down for different storytellers since the last show. I have been competing at the Moth and one night I told I heard an incredible story by a young woman Lesley Jones. Her story was so subtle and so bold I signed her up for this show. She will knock you out.
I also grabbed the host of the Moth for years Danielle Gregoire. I have heard her a couple of times and her stage presence is so strong and storytelling so good you will be mesmerized. I want her to be a regular. She is now producing independent shows. I would pay just to see her do a solo performance.
I heard Erin Walker tell her account of her travels in Ireland and it was chilling. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. She is unbelievable.
Roo and the Few are doing 2 sets of Roo's songs. I know I should be using other musicians but I just like them too much. The next best act is a huge drop in talent.
I have a story that is very good but I'm afraid in this group it just pales by comparison, I am also doing a music set. Paul couldn't make this show so I will be inadequately filling his shoes.
Well thats the line up. 12 and half bucks on line. I know its mothers day. I know its a Sunday. This is our fifth show and they keep getting better. There is so much talent in this city. I already have WordsNMusic6 filled. These are storytellers and musicians who deserved to be heard and appreciated. Don't miss this show.
David Schumer
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